søndag den 15. maj 2011
Modern Art
Modern art is a tricky thing to judge. One one side of the spectrum you have artists like Banksy who makes pieces that take some skill to create and actually contain meaning. On the very opposite end you have Mark Rothko who paints a canvas blue and then declares it art. I think was has happened is that critics have taken over art. You have critics who don't necessarily know how to do art, and don't necessarily have a great understanding of it deciding what is great art and what is not. They see simple, understandable pop icons like Andy Warhols infamous Marilyn Monroe and declare it to be genius. They popularize it and give it meaning that isn't essentially there. I've seen critics give meaning to vague splatters of paint on a dull background. And this stuff sells for millions! What happened to the days when art was a true skill that took ages to master?